Professions and Organisation
The focus of this group's interest is the different organizations of social work and the organization of different practices. We thus join a tradition at Lund University of Applied Sciences to critically study institutions and institutionalization.
Research topics
The group works on research projects with varying methods and empirical basis. Some of the themes that unite the group's interest and that we gather around are:
- Organization of social work practice; "Why do we do it the way we do?"
- How organizational ideas are spread and translated and how changes takes place.
- Professions, professionalisation and the work of professionals.
- Knowledge, knowledge formation and the interplay between practice, research and education.
- Social roles, and their opportunities in organizations, such as client, user and helper roles, their maneuver space and user influence.
The group's interest is always close to the practice of social work. Some projects are therefore also conducted in close collaboration with some specific practice, sometimes as an evaluation, sometimes in other forms.
Latest publications within the area
"Who will take responsibility for the hungry?"
"Vem ska ta ansvar för de hungriga?”Translated title of the contribution: "Who will take responsibility for the hungry?"...De-bordering and re-bordering practices at the intersection of gender and migration. A multi-site exploration of specialized services for migrant women experiencing violence in Italy and Sweden
De-bordering and re-bordering practices at the intersection of gender and migration. A multi-site exploration of special...Forskningscirklar - kollegialt lärande med teoretiska perspektiv
Forskningscirklar - kollegialt lärande med teoretiska perspektivLinde, S., 2024 Jul 19, Svensk Kyrkotidning, 120, 7, p. ...”Digital infrastruktur och socialtjänstens myndighetsutövning i Sverige: - fallet ekonomiskt bistånd”
”Digital infrastruktur och socialtjänstens myndighetsutövning i Sverige: - fallet ekonomiskt bistånd”Svensson, L. & Rane...Digitalized Social Services: Formation of "new" street-level relations and professional compensation
Digitalized Social Services: Formation of "new" street-level relations and professional compensationHjärpe, T., Carlsson...Research Portal
Read more about our research, researchers and research output.
Digitization in social work
The Digitization Group shares interest in that Social work is digitized and automated to an increasing extent. The development aims to solve problems in the practice of social work, but at the same time new challenges arise. The field studies how the practice and knowledge of social work is defined, created and re-created when digital solutions meet professionals and users.
Experiental Knowledge in Higher Education
A strategic partnership between twelve universities from ten countries in Europe. This three year project focuses on creating educations on experiental knowledge and building strategies for strengthening and individualizing professional educations.