Former name: Malinda Andersson
I have a Ph. D. in Sociology and I am currently working as a senior lecturer, with a special focus on Social Policy. I have been affiliated with the School of Social Work since 2012. Within the Bachelor’s program I teach in the second and sixth semester.
My research interests include welfare studies and organization studies. I have a general interest in poststructuralist, postcolonial and feminist perspectives. Within the field of welfare studies, I am interested in social policy discourses on citizen groups, family practices and social problems. I have conducted research on transnational adoption discourses in Swedish social policy, resulting in a dissertation as well as other publications. Within the field of organization studies, I am interested in processes of inclusion and exclusion in organizational cultures. I have been part of a research project on equal opportunities and diversity work, funded by Lund University. My sub study dealt with racialization in Swedish academia.