PhD in social work (2018, Lund), master degree in psychology (2003, Kyiv).
My research is on social interaction, language use in helping relationships, psychotherapeutic discourse, categorization and cultural norms in social interaction, social construction in talk.
In my present postdoc project Social guidance on the Internet: professional challenges, strategies and practices, I investigate the challenges social workers face when they provide information and advice in a question-answer forum and chat counselling. The aim of the project is to identify and systematise professional strategies and practices the practitioners use to deal with the challenges of the Internet-based communication.
In 2018 I defended my PhD thesis Public talk on personal troubles: a study on interaction in radio counselling,where I studied how callers to a Swedish radio counselling programme talked about their personal problems with a psychotherapist. The study explored the complex and dynamic process of shaping an understanding of problematic experiences as it unfolded in the dialogues between the psychotherapist and the callers as well as in radio listeners’ Internet comments to the programme.
I am teaching in social work programme and freestading courses about psychological theories and communication in social work.