I completed both my PhD and Habilitation in sociology at the Freie Universität Berlin.
My teaching subjects include political economy, inequality, social policy, sustainable welfare and degrowth. I have taught these subjects in Germany, the UK and Sweden.
I am the Course Director for the course Social Policy in Europe, 15 credits. I also teach on the master’s programme Welfare Policies and Management.
An ongoing theme of my research has been the ways in which political and economic restructuring are reflected in the social structure with an emphasis on welfare and employment relations and in comparative perspective. More recently, I started to combine these research interests with issues of ecological sustainability, particularly climate change, sustainable welfare as well as postgrowth/degrowth societies. I also carry out comparative research on synergies and conflicts in environmental and social policies.
For ongoing and recently finished research projects and publications please visit my LUCRIS site: Max Koch — Lund University
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Pathways to Sustainable Welfare : Inertia, Emergence and Transformation in Swedish Cities
Kajsa Emilsson, Martin Fritz, Roger Hildingsson, Håkan Johansson, Jamil Khan, et al.
BookDiminishing returns of growth? Economic performance, needs satisfaction and ecological impacts of OECD welfare states
Alexander Paulsson, Max Koch, Martin Fritz
(2025) Critical Social Policy, 45 p.3-26
Journal articleWelfare within planetary limits: deep transformation requires holistic approaches
Max Koch, Anders Rhiger Hansen
(2024) Consumption and Society, 3 p.416-425
Journal articleFlight-intensive practices and wellbeing: current evidence and future research
Monica Guillen-Royo, Kimberly Nicholas, Tanja Ellingsen, Max Koch, Tom Erik Julsrud
(2024) Consumption and Society, 3 p.374-394
Journal articlePostgrowth welfare systems: a view from the Nordic context
Riya Raphael, Jennifer B. Hinton, Alexander Paulsson, Max Koch, Mine Islar, et al.
(2024) Consumption and Society, 3 p.395-407
Journal articleDeepening the degrowth planning debate: division of labor, complexity, and the roles of markets and digital tools
Max Koch
(2024) Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 20
Journal articleStructural barriers to sufficiency: the contribution of research on elites
Max Koch, Kajsa Emilsson, Jayeon Lee, Håkan Johansson
(2024) Buildings and Cities, 5 p.268-282
Journal articleDeep Transformations : A Theory of Degrowth
Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch, Iana Nesterova
(2024) Progress in Political Economy
BookDegrowth: A Path to Transformative Solutions for Socio-Ecological Sustainability
Mine Islar, Max Koch, Riya Raphael, Alexander Paulsson
(2024) Global Sustainability, 7
Journal articleSustainable Welfare: Decoupling Welfare from Growth and Prioritising Needs Satisfaction for All
Milena Buchs, Max Koch, Jayeon Lee
(2024) De Gruyter Handbook of Degrowth , p.89-104
Book chapterWelfare in Degrowth Transformations
Max Koch
(2024) Der öffentliche Sektor / The Public Sector, 49 p.19-22
Journal articleAn Economics of Deep Transformations
Hubert Buch-Hansen, Iana Nesterova, Max Koch
(2023) Real-world Economics Review , p.42-46
Journal articlePolitikerna struntar i klimatforskningen : 420 forskare: Regeringens politik är katastrofal – nu måste fler svenskar kräva en omställning
Glenn Bark, Karin Gerhardt, Jeannette Eggers, Paul Glantz, Maria Wolrath Söderberg, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet Debatt
Newspaper articleThe role of work and social protection systems in social-ecological transformations: Insights from deliberative citizen forums in Sweden
Jayeon Lee, Max Koch
(2023) European Journal of Social Security, 25 p.408-425
Journal articleSlutrapport: Hållbar välfärd för den nya generationens socialpolitik
Max Koch, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Jayeon Lee, Kajsa Emilsson
ReportEcological ceiling and social floor: Public support for eco‐social policies in Sweden
Jamil Khan, Kajsa Emilsson, Martin Fritz, Max Koch, Roger Hildingsson, et al.
(2023) Sustainability Science, 18 p.1519-1532
Journal articleTowards a New Generation of Social Policy: Commonalities between Sustainable Welfare and the IPCC
Max Koch, Milena Buchs, Jayeon Lee
(2023) Politiche Sociali / Social Policies, 2023 p.27-42
Journal articleBienestar sin crecimiento
Max Koch
(2023) Papeles de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global
Journal articleDeliberating a Sustainable Welfare–Work Nexus / Auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Wohlfahrt-Arbeit-Nexus
Jayeon Lee, Max Koch, Johanna Alkan Olsson
(2023) Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61 p.825-825
Journal articleSocial Policy in a Climate Emergency Context: Towards an Ecosocial Research Agenda
Tuuli Hirvilammi, Liisa Häikiö, Håkan Johansson, Max Koch, Johanna Perkiö
(2023) Journal of Social Policy, 52 p.1-23
Journal articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleStudying Degrowth Transformations: Some Theoretical and Empirical Results
Max Koch
Conference - otherSustainable Welfare: Urban Areas and Transformational Action
Kajsa Emilsson, Max Koch
(2022) Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics , p.431-442
Book chapterPartially institutionalized eco-social policymaking in Germany
Mi Ah Schoyen, Max Koch, Marianne Takle
(2022) Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe : Social Policy and Climate Change , p.109-130
Book chapterRethinking state-civil society relations
Max Koch
(2022) Degrowth & Strategy : How to bring about social-ecological transformation , p.170-181
Cristina Carrasco, Antonio Elizalde Hevia, Omar Felipe Giraldo, Ian Gough, Joke J. Hermsen Hermsen, et al.
(2022) Dosieres Ecosociales
ReportSocial Policy Without Growth: Moving Towards Sustainable Welfare States
Max Koch
(2022) Social Policy and Society, 21 p.447-447
Journal articleDegrowth and Social Policy : Towards a Sustainable Welfare State
Max Koch
(2022) The Social Policy Blog
Web publicationDeliberating a Sustainable Welfare-Work Nexus
Jayeon Lindellee, Max Koch, Johanna Alkan Olsson
Conference paper: abstractState-civil society relations in Gramsci, Poulantzas and Bourdieu: Strategic implications for the degrowth movement
Max Koch
(2022) Ecological Economics, 193
Journal articleIn search of a political economy of the postgrowth era
Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen
(2021) Globalizations, 18 p.1219-1229
Journal articleHabitus and climate change: Exploring support and resistance to sustainable welfare and social–ecological transformations in Sweden
Martin Fritz, Max Koch, Håkan Johansson, Kajsa Emilsson, Roger Hildingsson, et al.
(2021) British Journal of Sociology, 72 p.874-890
Journal articleBeyond the growth imperative and neoliberal doxa: Expanding alternative societal spaces through deliberative citizen forums on needs satisfaction.
Max Koch, Jayeon Lindellee, Johanna Alkan Olsson
(2021) Real-world Economics Review , p.168-183
Journal articleOperationalizing sustainable welfare and co-developing eco-social policies by prioritizing Human Needs
Jayeon Lindellee, Johanna Alkan Olsson, Max Koch
(2021) Global Social Policy, 21 p.328-332
Journal articleReconceptualizing Welfare States and Social Policies in Times of Climate Emergency
Tuuli Hirvilammi, Håkan Johansson, Liisa Häikiö, Max Koch, Johanna Perkiö
Conference paper: abstractThe State in the Transformation to a Sustainable Postgrowth Economy
Max Koch
(2021) The Political Prospects of a Sustainability Transformation : Moving Beyond the Environmental State , p.115-133
Book chapterGrön omställning måste genomsyra hela finanspolitiken
Jayeon Lindellee, Max Koch
(2020) Dagens arena
Newspaper articleWelfare states, social policies and the environment
Håkan Johansson, Max Koch
(2020) Handbook on Society and Social Policy , p.486-495
Book chapterStructure, Action and Change: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Preconditions for a Degrowth Transition
Max Koch
(2020) Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 16 p.4-14
Journal articleState-Civil Society Relations in the Pursuit of Degrowth and Sustainable Welfare in Europe
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractThe IPE (International Political Economy) of Degrowth and Sustainable Welfare
Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen
(2020) Routledge Handbooks , p.375-390
Book chapterTackling the Double Injustice: How Citizens Evaluate Climate and Welfare Policies
Max Koch, Martin Fritz
(2020) World Economics Journal, 21 p.93-115
Journal articleSustainable welfare without growth
Tuuli Hirvilammi, Max Koch
(2020) Sustainability, 12
Journal article (comment)Ett bra liv är möjligt utan ekonomisk tillväxt
Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Max Koch, Alexander Paulsson
(2020) Sydsvenska dagbladet
Newspaper articleThe state in the transformation to a sustainable postgrowth economy
Max Koch
(2020) Environmental Politics, 29 p.115-133
Journal articleElements of a Political Economy of the Postgrowth Era
Max Koch
(2019) Economics and the Ecosystem , p.197-231
Book chapterGrowth and Degrowth in Marx's Critique of Political Economy
Max Koch
(2019) Transforming Capitalism , p.69-82
Book chapterGrowth Strategies and Consumption Patterns in Transition: From Fordism to Finance-Driven Capitalism
Max Koch
(2019) A Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance , p.35-49
Book chapterPublic Support for Sustainable Welfare Compared: Links between Attitudes towards Climate and Welfare Policies
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
(2019) Sustainability, 11
Journal articleEinkommens- & Vermögensgrenzen aus Degrowth-Sicht
Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen
Web publicationMaximum limits on income and wealth? A degrowth perspective
Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch
(2019) Degrowth blog
Web publicationDegrowth through Income and Wealth Caps?
Hubert Buch-Hansen, Max Koch
(2019) Ecological Economics , p.264-271
Journal articleElements of a Political Economy of the Postgrowth Era
Max Koch
(2019) Real-world Economics Review , p.90-90
Journal articleNachhaltige Wohlfahrt: Ökologisch-soziale Politik fuer die Postwachstumsära
Max Koch
(2019) Kursbuch , p.177-190
Journal articleChallenges for the degrowth transition: the debate about wellbeing
Milena Buchs, Max Koch
(2019) Futures, 105 p.155-165
Journal articleBien- être durable, décroissance et politique éco-sociales en Europe
Max Koch
(2018) Bilan social de l'Union européenne 2018 , p.35-35
Book chapterSustainable Welfare, degrowth and eco-social policies in Europe
Max Koch
(2018) Social Policy in the European Union: State of Play 2018 , p.35-35
Report chapterWelfare without Growth - Keynote, 6th International Degrowth Conference
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractWork and Welfare Within Planetary Limits
Max Koch, Jean Lambert
(2018) Green European Journal
Newspaper articlePostwachstum & Wellbeing- Synergie oder Konflikt?
Milena Buchs, Max Koch
(2018) Blog Postwachstum.de
Web publicationDegrowth: Fuer eine planetarische Grenzen respektierende solidarische Politik
Max Koch
(2018) Luxemburg: Gesellschaftsanalyse und linke Praxis
Journal articleThe Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu
Max Koch
(2018) Environmental Values, 27 p.9-27
Journal articleDie Naturalisierung des Wachstums in Produktion und Konsumtion: Von Marx über den Regulationsansatz zu Bourdieu
Max Koch
(2017) Prokla- Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 47 p.635-652
Journal articleMilena Buchs and Max Koch Discuss Challenges to Sustainable Welfare : Blog: Social Science Matters
Max Koch, Milena Buchs
Web publicationSustainable Welfare in a Global Steady-state Economy: The Role of the State
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractPostgrowth and Wellbeing : Challenges to Sustainable Welfare
Milena Büchs, Max Koch
(2017) Palgrave Pivot
BookThe 'good life' of nations : A global perspective
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
(2017) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics , p.215-228
Book chapterThe State in the Transformation to Sustainability in a Postgrowth Context
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractHuman induced climate change from a political economy perspective
Max Koch
(2017) Routledge International Handbooks , p.436-444
Book chapterClimate Change, Sustainable Welfare and Eco-Social Policies
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractShifting Priorities in Degrowth Research: An Argument for the Centrality of Human Needs
Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen, Martin Fritz
(2017) Ecological Economics , p.74-81
Journal articleShifting Priorities in Degrowth Research: ‘Happiness’, Needs and the State
Max Koch
Conference - otherThe Role of the State in Employment and Welfare Regulation: Sweden in the European Context
Max Koch
(2016) International Review of Social History, 61 p.243-262
Journal articleSustainable Welfare in the EU: Promoting Synergies between Climate and Social Policies
Max Koch, Anne Therese Gullberg, Mi Ah Schoyen, Bjørn Hvinden
(2016) Critical Social Policy, 36 p.704-715
Journal articleSustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare : Blog: Progress in Political Economy, University of Sydney
Max Koch
Web publicationHuman Needs, Steady-State Economics and Sustainable Welfare
Max Koch, Hubert Buch-Hansen
(2016) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics , p.29-29
Book chapterMarket Solutions to Climate Change: Examples of Carbon Trading and Carbon Rationing
Roger Hildingsson, Max Koch
(2016) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics , p.95-95
Book chapterIntroduction: Research on Sustainable Welfare: State of the Art and Outline of the Volume
Max Koch, Oksana Mont
(2016) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics , p.1-1
Book chapterSustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare
(2016) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics
BookConclusion: Looking Back, Looking Forward: Results and Future Research Directions
Oksana Mont, Max Koch
(2016) Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics , p.201-201
Book chapterMoney, Happiness and Human Needs: Shifting Priorities in Degrowth Research?
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractEconomic Development and Prosperity Patterns Around the World: Structural Challenges for a Global Steady-State Economy
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
(2016) Global Environmental Change, 38 p.41-48
Journal articleThe Hegemony of Growth in the Critique of Political Economy and Bourdieusian Sociology
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractConceptualizing local welfare systems: exploring the role of actors and governance arrangements
Håkan Johansson, Max Koch
(2016) Combating Poverty in Local Welfare Systems. : Active Inclusion Strategies in European Cities , p.53-77
Book chapterApproaches, actors and models of vertical collaborative governance arrangements in combating poverty – five European cities compared
Max Koch, Alexandru Panican
(2016) Combating poverty in Europe – Active Inclusion in a Multi-Level and Multi-Actor Context , p.159-180
Book chapterConceptualizing Sustainable Welfare and the Welfare State
Mi Ah Schoyen, Max Koch, Björn Hvinden, Anne Therese Gullberg
Conference paper: abstractSustainable Welfare and EU Climate Change Policies
Max Koch, Anne Therese Gullberg, Björn Hvinden, Mi Ah Schoyen
Conference paper: abstractPatterns of Multidimensional Sustainability in a Global Perspective
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractCapitalism, Development and Degrowth
Max Koch
(2015) Erwaegen, Wissen, Ethik, 25 p.567-569
Journal articleClimate Change, Capitalism and Degrowth Trajectories to a Global Steady-State Economy
Max Koch
(2015) International Critical Thought, 5 p.439-452
Journal articleGreen States in Europe: A Comparative View
Max Koch, Martin Fritz
(2015) Rethinking the Green State - Environmental Governance Towards Climate and Sustainability Transitions , p.83-103
Book chapterEconomic Growth as Social Problem: The Case of Climate Change
Max Koch
(2015) Global Fontiers of Social Development in Theory and Practice - Climate, Economy and Justice , p.61-72
Book chapterEconomic Growth and Prosperity Patterns: Structural Challenges for a Global Steady State Economy
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractPotentials for a socially equitable and ecologically sustainable society
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
(2014) Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 29 p.38-41
Journal articleEcological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life: identifying potentials for prosperity without growth
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractThe role of the Social‐democratic welfare state in employment regulation: The case of Sweden in the Nordic and European context
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractPatterns of Institutional Change in Minimum Income Protection in Sweden and Germany
Anna Angelin, Håkan Johansson, Max Koch
(2014) Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 30 p.165-179
Journal articleBuilding the Eco-Social State: Do Welfare Regimes Matter?
Max Koch, Martin Fritz
(2014) Journal of Social Policy, 43 p.679-703
Journal articleMapping prosperity: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and quality of life around the globe
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractMultilevel “Arenas” for Fighting Poverty and Social exclusion. National report Sweden.
Alexandru Panican, Anna Angelin, Håkan Johansson, Max Koch
ReportClimate change, carbon trading and societal self-defence
Max Koch
(2014) Real-world Economics Review , p.52-66
Journal articlePotentials for prosperity without growth: Ecological sustainability, social inclusion and the quality of life in 38 countries
Martin Fritz, Max Koch
(2014) Ecological Economics, 108 p.191-199
Journal articleSociale problemer i dynamisk perspektiv - eksemplet økonomisk vaekst og klimakrisen
Max Koch
(2014) Perspektiver på sociale problemer , p.347-358
Book chapterIntroduction: Changing Employment Standards in a Crisis-ridden Europe
Fritz Martin, Max Koch
(2013) Non-Standard Employment in Europe - Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses , p.1-12
Book chapterNon-Standard Employment in Europe - Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses
(2013) Work and Welfare in Europe
BookConclusion: Non-Standard Employment: Concept, Empirical Results and Policy Implications
Max Koch, Martin Fritz
(2013) Non-Standard Employment in Europe - Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses , p.229-241
Book chapterThe local arena for combating poverty. Malmö, Sweden.
Alexandru Panican, Håkan Johansson, Max Koch, Anna Angelin
ReportWohlfahrt ohne Wachstum - Theoretische Debatte und sozialpolitische Implikationen
Max Koch
(2013) Berliner Debatte Initital, 24 p.109-124
Journal articleAttitudes towards environmental and social policies compared – do welfare regimes matter?
Max Koch, Martin Fritz
Conference paper: abstractCombating poverty in Europe: multi-level, multi-dimensional and multi-stakeholder models in local active inclusion policies
Håkan Johansson, Alexandru Panican, Anna Angelin, Max Koch
(2013) COPE Combating Poverty in Europe
ReportEmployment Standards in Transition: From Fordism to Finance-Driven Capitalism
Max Koch
(2013) Non-Standard Employment in Europe - Paradigms, Prevalence and Policy Responses , p.29-45
Book chapterThe national arena for combating poverty - national report: Sweden
Anna Angelin, Håkan Johansson, Max Koch, Alexandru Panican
ReportWelfare after Growth: Theoretical Discussion and Policy Implications
Max Koch
(2013) International Journal of Social Quality, 3 p.4-20
Journal articleThe Road to Social Europe: A Contemporary Approach to Political and Cultures and Diversity in Europe
Max Koch
(2013) Journal of European Social Policy, 23 p.341-342
ReviewVon feinen und groben Unterschieden: Zur Reproduktion von (Jugend)armut und Klassengesellschaft
Max Koch
(2013) Jugendarmut - Beiträge zur Lage in Deutschland , p.117-138
Book chapterSociala problem ur ett dynamiskt perspektiv - exemplet ekonomisk tillväxt och klimatkrisen
Max Koch
(2013) Perspektiv på Sociala Problem , p.336-346
Book chapterDiversity and Standardization in European Employment Regulation: the Case of Germany
Max Koch
(2011) Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation: Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe , p.177-194
Book chapterIntroduction: Contextualizing, Researching and Debating Patterns of Standardization and Diversity
Max Koch, Lesley McMillan, Bram Peper
(2011) Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation: Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe , p.1-8
Book chapterDiversity, Standardization and the Perspective of Social Transformation
Max Koch, Lesley McMillan, Bram Peper
(2011) Diversity, Standardization and Social Transformation: Gender, Ethnicity and Inequality in Europe , p.213-222
Book chapterDie Europäisierung der Beschäftigungspolitik und die Destandardisierung der Beschäftigung in Deutschland
Max Koch
(2010) Berliner Debatte Initital, 21 p.90-104
Journal articlePierre Bourdieu as Sociologist of the Intellectual Field and Critic of 'Globalisation'
Max Koch
Conference paperTransnationalisation, Financialisation and the Destandardisation of Employment
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractKlassenstrukturen in Europa: Zwischen Homogenisierung und Vertiefung
Max Koch
(2010) Klassen im Postfordismus , p.310-335
Book chapterCitizenship Rights as Contested Resources: De-standardising and Individualising Citizenship Rights
Max Koch
Conference paper: abstractKlassen- und Sozialstrukturanalyse in transnationaler Dimension
Max Koch
(2009) Nord-Süd-Beziehungen im Umbruch , p.273-304
Book chapterEuropean Statehood in Transition
Max Koch
(2008) Symbolic Power in Cultural Contexts: Uncovering Social Reality , p.63-74
Book chapterThe State in European Employment Regulation
Max Koch
(2008) Revue Dintegration Europeenne, 30 p.255-272
Journal articleSocial Exclusion, the Underclass and Welfare
Max Koch, Sebastian Herkommer, Paul Littlewood
(2007) Social Welfare, Social Exclusion - A Life Course Frame , p.7-32
Book chapterPierre Bourdieu as a Sociologist of the Economy and Critic of 'Globalisation'
Max Koch
(2006) International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 43 p.71-86
Journal articleDeregulation and Re-Regulation of European Employment Regimes: The Role of the State
Max Koch
Conference paperPoulantzas’ Beitrag zur Klassen- und Sozialstrukturanalyse
Max Koch
(2006) Poulantzas lesen , p.120-136
Book chapterEl discurso de la exclusión social: un análisis crítico sobre conceptos y modelos de interpretación
Max Koch, Sebastian Herkommer, Paul Littlewood
(2005) Paradigmas de gobernación y de exclusión social en la educación , p.19-42
Book chapterNoch nie war so viel Ideologie wie heute“ – zu Sebastian Herkommers Buch: Metamorphosen der Ideologie
Max Koch
(2005) Utopie Kreativ , p.153-158
Journal article reviewWage Determination, Socio-Economic Regulation and the State
Max Koch
(2005) European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11 p.327-346
Journal articleConflict Regulation in Chile and Northern Ireland: The Role of Elites
Max Koch
(2005) Approaches, Case Studies, Responses , p.233-250
Book chapterRegulation Theory and Labour Market Reforms: Five Countries Compared
Max Koch
Conference paperRegulation Theory and the Crisis of Capitalism
Max Koch
(2004) International Journal of Contemporary Sociology , p.127-129
ReviewEuropean Reactions to Global Challenges: The Cases of the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, Spain, and Germany
Max Koch
(2004) Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, 20 p.15-22
Journal articleDer Nordirische Friedensprozess vor dem Hintergrund der Theorie der sozialen Schließung
Max Koch
(2004) Utopie Kreativ , p.112-127
Journal articleLabour Market Regulation after Fordism: Five Countries Compared
Max Koch
(2004) The Future of Work in Europe , p.11-33
Book chapterClosure Theory and Citizenship: The Northern Ireland Experience
Max Koch
(2004) Electronic Journal of Sociology, 7
Journal articleVon den Nachbarn lernen? Deregulierung und Re-Regulierung in den Niederlanden und
Max Koch
(2003) Zeitschrift für sozialdemokratische Politik und Wirtschaft , p.19-22
Journal articleSocial Inclusion in Post-Fordism
Max Koch
(2003) Social consequences of changing labour market conditions and undeserved personal virtues (Meddelande från Socialhögskolan 2003:4), 2003:4 p.44-54
Book chapterIn Search of a Class Theory of Marginality and Exclusion
Max Koch
(2001) International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 38 p.193-212
Journal articleThe Theory of Sociological Thought and the Research Process
Max Koch
(2000) Ideology and the Social Sciences , p.21-34
Book chapterDie kollektiven akteure im chilenischen Kapitalismus
Max Koch
(1999) Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 15 p.65-80
Journal articleAusbeutung und Ausgrenzung: Das Konzept der Underclass
Max Koch
(1999) Soziale Ausgrenzungen – Gesichter des neuen Kapitalismus , p.35-59
Book chapterUnderclass and Social Exclusion as Challenges to the Theory of Class and Stratification
Max Koch, Sebstian Herkommer
Conference paperChanges in Chilean Social Structure: Class Structure and Income Distribution Between 1972 and 1994
Max Koch
(1999) Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe , p.3-18
Journal articleThe ‘Underclass’ - a Misleading Concept and a Scientific Myth? Poverty and Social Exclusion as Challenges to the Theory of Class and Social Structure
Max Koch
(1999) Social Exclusion in Europe. Problems and Paradigms , p.89-112
Book chapterDie Säulen der Macht
Max Koch
(1999) Benno Hübner, Filósofo y Amigo. Itinerario de un Pensamiento , p.295-316
Book chapterResearch as Ideology. Ideological Traps, Epistemological Principles and the Practice of Research
Max Koch
(1998) International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 35 p.134-146
Journal articleDie Kehrseite der „Modernisierung“. Sozialstruktureller Wandel in Chile
Max Koch
(1998) Asien, Afrika, Latinamerika, 26 p.195-223
Journal articleUnternehmen Transformation. Sozialstruktur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Chile
Max Koch
(1998) Berliner Lateinamerikaforschen, Band 9
BookNeoliberale Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Chile
Max Koch
(1997) Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 43 p.563-583
Journal articleClass and Taste. Bourdieu’s Contribution to the Analysis of Social Structure and Social Space
Max Koch
(1996) International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 33 p.187-202
Journal articleWas ist die Klassentheorie noch wert?
Max Koch
(1994) Zeitschrift für sozialdemokratische Politik und Wirtschaft , p.24-29
Journal article